VCU RamStrong Well-being blog

Giving VCU employees the wellness resources they need to be healthy both on and off campus

Category results for: Uncategorized

How A Neuroscientist Strengthens 5 Key Brain Regions Daily

In our body-conscious society, there’s no shortage of workout routines to show you how to build muscle. But how do you train your brain? After 30-plus years as a psychiatrist who uses functional brain SPECT imaging in clinical practice, it is clear to me that the more you use your brain, the better it will […]

7 Ways I Stay Alert and Productive Throughout the Day, Even With Brain Fog

Brain fog or not, I still have work to do. Once upon a time, I was really good at working from home. I’ve always preferred it to working from an office, and luckily, my job here at SELF has been flexible enough to allow it in moderation. But ever since my life became working from home, the struggle […]

10 Sneaky Signs You’re Low In Protein & How To Bump Up Your Intake

Protein has become a buzzword in the well-being space, and for good reason. This macronutrient is essential for supporting your muscles, fueling your brain, keeping your immune system strong, and leaving you satisfied between meals.  Many functional health experts would agree: Plenty of people could use more protein in their diet—but how do you know […]

Motivational Monday

Funny Friday

How to Survive (and Thrive) This Valentine’s Day

Somewhere around the time the New Year’s Eve parties ended, retail displays transformed from winter wonderlands to Cupid’s playgrounds. But whether you dread it or eagerly anticipate it, Valentine’s Day can also serve as a reminder that we can all use a bit of TLC (tender, loving care), regardless of our relationship status. Unrealistic depictions […]


Often, it’s hard to find time for physical activity before or after work. So why not multitask? See these easy-to-try ideas for moving more during your workday. You might be surprised how much activity you can “work” in! Work out at work If you’re like most American adults, you spend most of your waking hours […]

Motivational Monday

Funny Friday

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