VCU RamStrong Well-being blog

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How to Create Your Own Personal Space and Why You Need It      

5 ways to carve out that much-needed personal space during lockdown

Perhaps you are a spouse, parent, and employee. You are constantly rushed, pushed, and stressed. There is never enough time in the day to do “all the things!”

You run from here to there just trying to keep up with work responsibilities, family obligations, as well as household chores. Eventually, you pause, look at your life, and think “This isn’t my life; I’m living someone else’s life!” How can I slow down and do something for myself?

Perhaps you are an introvert and constantly among people and on demand. You crave your own space and need it for your sanity. Introverts need time alone to recharge, but extroverts benefit from their own space too.

You can start small, such as the corner of a room. A first step could be starting with a small desk where you can sit and write. Another possibility could be creating an altar space in that corner. Include some art, photos, music, candles, inspiring quotes, etc. Design a beautiful spot to bring you stress relief, and even on your busiest days, it can bring you a sense of calm.

Next, perhaps commandeer an entire room and fill it with beauty. Try adding beautiful tapestries, pillows, and maybe a rocking chair right under the window. It does not matter if you are male or female, you need your own space filled with only your energy and your things; things that bring you joy.

Having your own space can give you solace. Make time each day to sit in your space and tell your family members you are off limits during that time. Even if you only have five minutes, you can go in there, close the door, sit in your chair and breathe. Maybe it is only five minutes, but it is YOUR five minutes!

Personal spaces can include screened porches, garages, kitchen counters, and even bathroom counters. Not everyone has a whole room. Another idea would be to adorn a porch/patio/deck with a comfortable chair and side table for your cup of tea. Decorate your space with potted plants and soft lighting. Make it a beautiful personal space to sit and read or observe nature.

You need a personal space so that you have a place that is just for you to take a break from the world. As you enter your space, imagine leaving the rest of the world behind and just breathe. You can write, read a book, play a computer game, meditate, or just sit and stare at a candle. Having your own space can help you deal with crushing stress and help you to feel happier and fulfilled. It can also be fun deciding how to create it and what to put in it.

It does not matter what you do in your space. What matters is that it is always there waiting for you when you need it. You can be stressed to the max sitting in a meeting at work. Imagine your space waiting for you, and it will help you get through.

So think about having your own little corner of the world, a place that is all about you and start creating it. You deserve it!

Source:  Adapted from the article, “How to Create Your Own Personal Space and Why You Need It” by Mezdulene Bliss,, January 18, 2019.

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