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Experts explain why these insects “love” you so much.

Mosquito bites really suck, pun intended. Those swollen welts can turn the warmer months into an itchy hellscape. And, if you’re one of those people who gets eaten alive by the bloodsuckers all summer, then you’ve likely asked yourself: Why are mosquitoes so attracted to me?

First, a little background: Female mosquitoes are the only ones that bite, as they need to consume blood to produce eggs, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The “biting” is actually sucking, as the mosquito uses a pointy mouthpart, called a proboscis, to pierce the skin and slurp out blood. Suddenly, you have a dozen bites while those around you remain seemingly unscathed.

But how do mosquitoes choose whom to target—and do they really prefer to bite some people over others? While scientists aren’t totally clear on the answer to this, some interesting theories may explain your mosquito magnetism. Here’s why these insects might “love” you more than other people, and what you can do if they constantly try to make a meal out of you.

Are mosquitoes attracted to some people over others?

Mosquitoes have sophisticated sense receptors to help them find sources of blood, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). If you’re wondering why they’re so bloodthirsty for you, specifically, know that it probably has something to do with how much you sweat and what you smell like, among other factors. While some of this may be outside your control, just knowing that you are potentially Target No. 1 can help you better prepare the next time you’re trying to enjoy the outdoors.1. Blame it on your BO.

Your body odor, in part, is determined by chemicals called volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are produced and released by your skin, according to Roberto M. Pereira, PhD, mosquito researcher and professor of entomology at the University of Florida. Depending on your particular blend of VOCs, which are thought to be heavily influenced by the bacteria that naturally live on your skin, you may either entice or repel mosquitoes, as the insects have displayed attraction to certain VOCs, research shows.1

Other things that contribute to your personal brand of BO? Genetics, unfortunately, is a big one, Eric Ascher, DO, a family medicine physician at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City, tells SELF. Your age, what you eat, your hygiene habits (including the type of cologne or perfume you wear), and certain medical conditions may also play a role, says Dr. Pereira.

All of this to say that if your armpits (or any part of your body, really) are smelling particularly fragrant, you might be sending out unwanted “bite me” signals.2. You’re breathing extra heavily.

When you’re huffing and puffing uphill during your evening run, the amount of carbon dioxide you’re breathing out is probably the last thing on your mind. But it also happens to be one of the primary VOCs that mosquitoes use to find people to feed on.1 Basically, mosquitoes are built to zero in on carbon dioxide, Dr. Pereira tells SELF, so the more you’re pumping out, the more apparent you are to them.

In fact, the little buggers can sense carbon dioxide from as far as 180 to 230 feet away.1 As they fly closer to you and sense the heat of your body, they’ll start to detect other cues on this list, like body odor, which may solidify your status as a blood meal.

Since it’s not possible to stop releasing carbon dioxide, it’s worth keeping this factor in mind (and taking extra precautions) before a strenuous outdoor workout in really buggy areas, especially during the prime mosquito hours of dawn or dusk.3. You’re working up a sweat.

On that note, if you’re breathing heavily in the hot summer sun, sweating is probably inevitable, which also “marks you as a target,” Dr. Ascher says. That’s because mosquitoes are drawn to lactic acid, a significant compound in sweat, particularly when combined with carbon dioxide, says Dr. Pereira. “Because active people are producing lots of lactic acid, mosquitoes are strongly attracted to them,” he notes. In fact, research shows that mosquitoes have a distinct smell receptor in their antennae that responds to the chemicals in human sweat.24. You prefer to wear dark clothing.

Yes, these insects are drawn to dark colors set against high-contrast backgrounds, simply because you may be easier to spot once the carbon dioxide lures them in, according to a 2022 paper published in Nature Communications.For example, if you’re lounging on bright green grass while wearing a black shirt in the daytime, you may be a feast for little mosquito eyes. Consider switching to lighter-colored clothing in the summer—it has the bonus of potentially helping you feel cooler in the heat.5. You happen to be pregnant.

With all the bodily changes that you deal with during pregnancy, you’d think the insect world would have the decency to leave you alone. Unfortunately, mosquitoes are particularly attracted to pregnant people, says Dr. Ascher, and this comes down to a couple of factors: greater carbon dioxide output and higher body temperature. The hormonal fluctuations that occur during pregnancy cause you to breathe more deeply and quickly, according to experts at Harvard Health, ultimately causing you to release more mosquito-attracting carbon dioxide. Additionally, as the uterus expands, it pushes against the abdomen, which can place pressure on the lungs, further contributing to heavy breathing.

As for body temp? During pregnancy, the fetus also emits heat, which increases your overall body temperature. Again, this can make you extra attractive to mosquitoes, who seek out heat.36. Your blood type might even play a role.

Some mosquitoes might have a preference for a specific blood type, says Dr. Pereira, as certain species may have evolved around groups of people who had more of one type of blood. A small 2019 study published in the American Journal of Entomology found that to be the case with type O blood, specifically, but this research was done in a controlled environment, so Dr. Periera says to take that finding with a grain of salt. “Despite any preferences, mosquitoes will still bite people with different blood types.”

Here’s how to prevent mosquito bites, even if they seem to be super attracted to you.

Okay, so you know that mosquitoes seem to adore you, but what can you do about it? Here are a few expert-approved ways to reduce your risk of a gnarly bite:

  • Load up on insect repellent. One of the best ways to reduce insect bites, in general, is to apply an insect repellent that contains DEET, picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus, IR3535, 2-undecanone, or para-menthane-diol, according to the CDC. You’ll want to make sure the product you’re using is registered with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA); aim for a concentration between 10% to 30%, depending on how long you want the protection to last, and always follow the instructions on the label. Products with peppermint, lavender, citronella, or lemon essential oils may also be unappealing to mosquitoes, says Dr. Ascher, but you shouldn’t rely on these alone. Make sure you “reapply after swimming or during sweating,” he adds. On cooler days, wearing long sleeves or long pants certainly won’t hurt, if you feel comfortable enough.
  • Be mindful of standing water. Water sitting in old buckets, rain gutters, and bird baths in your yard can serve as breeding grounds, as mosquitoes lay eggs in standing water. “Be on the lookout after rainstorms,” warns Dr. Ascher. Consider emptying standing water that isn’t necessary or covering these areas if they’re permanent features near your home, like a pool.
  • Avoid peak mosquito hours. If possible, ditch the outdoors during dusk and dawn, when mosquitoes are highly active. Similarly, avoid going outside right after it rains, suggests Dr. Ascher. “Mosquitoes love humidity and flourish after a storm,” he explains.
  • Protect your home. Contrary to popular belief, mosquitoes can also live indoors, says Dr. Pereira. Be mindful of things like overwatered plants and leaky windows, where water can collect. “If mosquito females are around, they may lay eggs in the water,” he explains. To prevent these unwanted house guests, avoid leaving doors and windows open unless they have protective screens. Use an air conditioner, if you have one, to keep humidity down as well, according to the CDC.

Since mosquitoes thrive in hot, humid weather, it’s not possible to a hundred percent avoid their bites all summer or even in early fall. This is especially true if you spend a lot of time outdoors or live near a body of water. But taking these simple precautions can hopefully minimize your risk—and, at the very least, make the final days of summer more enjoyable.


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