VCU RamStrong Well-being blog

Giving VCU employees the wellness resources they need to be healthy both on and off campus

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How To Stay Cool in Hot Weather

Eight tips to prevent heat stroke and heat exhaustion When summertime temperatures increase, it’s important to recognize the signs and symptoms of a heat-related illness and know what to do to avoid serious problems. Each year, more than 600 people are killed in extreme hot weather, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Young […]

Motivational Monday

Funny Friday

Health Benefits of Houseplants

Allergy Relief 1/12 Researchers found that rooms with plants have less dust and mold than rooms without any foliage. Leaves and other parts of the plants act as natural filters to catch allergens and other airborne particles. Common low-light houseplants like Chinese evergreen or the peace lily can do the job. Violets and other plants […]

Wellness Tip

Turning Your Financial Goals Into a Plan That You Can Stick To

When thinking ahead and planning for your future, certain goals may come to mind. Maybe you want to retire by the age of 60 with substantial savings, or perhaps you want to be debt free within the next five years. These financial goals can be attained—but not without intention and planning. Craft Attainable Goals When […]

Motivational Monday

Funny Friday

Saving for Rainy Days Before They Happen

If your savings are low or nonexistent, your first step should be creating a rainy-day fund. This emergencies-only fund can help protect you from life’s unexpected turns and supply you with the money you need right away. For example, you might need your rainy-day fund to repair your car, pay unexpected medical bills or get […]

Foods That May Help With Muscle Cramps

Eat to Beat Them 1/15 Muscle cramps happen when your muscles tense up and you can’t relax them. While painful, usually you can treat them yourself. Exercise, dehydration, and menstruation are common causes. One way to stop cramps is to stretch or massage your muscles and to eat enough of these key nutrients: potassium, sodium, […]

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