Have an Aching Back? Time to Talk about Musculoskeletal Health
Most of us have experienced the pain of aching joints, and those who haven’t will find out as they age! Since state health plan members on average are older than members of comparable health plans, it is not surprising that joint degeneration is one of the top lifestyle related conditions impacting our program.
Musculoskeletal conditions are those that affect the joints, bones, and muscles. In August, our focus is to provide health plan members with information about the causes and ways to improve musculoskeletal health.
Common symptoms associated with musculoskeletal health are pain, joint stiffness, inflammation and reduced mobility due to injuries and illness. All of our health plans offer information and resources about ways to improve musculoskeletal health.
Please encourage health plan members to learn more about the available health plan programs and benefits related to musculoskeletal health. These resources can assist them in preventing and treating the effects of these conditions through informed healthy lifestyle choices.
More information may be found in these individual state and regional health plan flyers, and on the health plan websites. Optima Health also has the MoveAbout program, which may be helpful to Optima Health Vantage members.
Health Benefits E-News
Department of Human Resource Management