Phishing Net

Phishing Scams and Schemes Unveiled

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New Job Scam to Personal Emails (1/29/2025)

We’ve posted about job scams previously on our blog. The scammers are back at it! This job scam is emailing users at their personal email addresses. We have an example of the phish below. This phishing email is using a ‘Gmail’ email account and purporting to be a VCU faculty member. Please be on the […]

Job Scam to Personal Emails (12/03/2024)

As the weather becomes colder, job scams are still running amuck. This job scam leverages a Gmail account, claiming to be a research study. The job scam was sent to a user’s personal email account. Be on the lookout for these job scams and continue to report them. Initial Email Below: From: Professor Douglas Davis […]

Job Scam via Text Message (11/07/2024)

There is a job scam reaching out to students through text messages. The scammer is using the email address: [email protected]. Please be aware the scammer can easily change email addresses and may reach out again via text messages or email. Below is a copy of a text message sent to a user in our community:

Another Student Job Scam – 9/13/2024 – [email protected]

It is that time of year when job scams run rampant. The scam offers students an opportunity to earn money based on a set of small tasks. The way this scam plays out: the scammer will send you a fraudulent check, request you deposit the fraudulent check and send money back to the scammer. You […]

Student Job Scam (9/3/2024) – [email protected]

There was a recent job scam impersonating a faculty member. This job scam entices students to earn $450. These jobs scams have become more elaborate. The new job scam include interviews, resumes, and will often make the student perform some task (e.g. sort data, create a survey, etc). Ultimately, the scammers will send the student […]

Scare Tactic – Google Street View of User’s Address for Ransom (9/6/2024)

Phishing scare tactics are on the rise. One of the most recent phishing scam tactics includes phishers sending you an email with a Google Map Street-view photo of your apartment/house or an old house location. The email claims they have installed a virus on your phone/computer. They are scaring you into paying a ransom. The […]

Phishing Text Messages (2/28/2024)

There is a phishing text message pretending to be ‘Robert A. Winn’ and asking for Apple Gift Cards. The phishing is currently using the number 1-804-847-1252. Stay diligent as phone numbers are easy to spoof. Lastly, remember if someone is requesting gift cards – it is likely a scam.

Virginia Commonwealth University Employees: Retirement Planning Sessions Available

Be wary of unsolicited emails regarding pension planning. Although they may provide a legitimate service, they are NOT affiliate with the University or the State. If you want to receive VCU provided support for retirement, please review the resources located on the VCU HR Website:

QR Phishing Email (11/8/2023)

QR phishing emails are on the rise. The phisher sends you a QR code in hopes that you scan it with your phone. The phisher is hoping to bypass any security controls that your company implements since users will often use their personal phones to scan the QR code. Below is an example of a […]

Phishing Text Message – Suspicious Bank Account 10/2/2023

There is a phishing text message being sent to individuals from the address “[email protected]”. The phisher/scammer is spoofing the VCU email address. The text message typically references a problem with a bank account. Please do not call the number associated with the text message. An example of the text message is below:

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