Subject: Transfer (03/25/19)
Below is a scam which tries to get the recipient to respond because of false information. If you get this email please delete it. ____________________________________________________ From: Shindy Mona <[email protected]> Date: Sun, Mar 24, 2019 at 8:39 PM Subject: Transfer To: <[email protected]> Greetings I request for your collaboration to transfer the sum of $15.4 million. During an […]
Change of Direct Deposit, Scam 4/19/19
The following scam is a direct deposit scam. The scammer is impersonating an employee and asking that payroll change their direct deposit information over to the scammer’s info. You can tell this is a scam because of the email address, it is not a address and the address used is head.4dmin. This is clearly […]
PSA:Gift Card Scams Emails Reported
Please be aware that there is a recent surge of gift card scam emails being sent to VCU. These emails will usually impersonate a fellow employee – usually someone who is a director. The email will ask that you contact the scammer for a task, usually the scammer will state they are in a meeting […]