Phishing Net

Phishing Scams and Schemes Unveiled

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Beware mass phishing email titled: Your further 2023 payroll-related communication from Virginia Commonwealth University has been delivered 7/19/23

Many individuals have received an email titled: Your further 2023 payroll-related communication from Virginia Commonwealth University has been delivered. Within the email is a link that leads to a fake VCU login page. This page will be used to steal your login credentials. If you or anyone you know may have clicked that link and […]

Beware of false text messaged from President Rao 7/5/23

We have received multiple people getting fake text messages from President Rao asking to purchase ebay/gift cards. They will present themselves asking for your help. If you receive these messages please report it to along with blocking the sender. They will attempt to get you to make this false purchase with a promise of […]