Phishing Net

Phishing Scams and Schemes Unveiled

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Tutoring Scam (2/22/2020)

There is always a scam running amuck and this is no new scam. The scammer is pretending to need tutoring services. Often the scammer will over pay using a check and ask for money back. The check will ultimately bounce and you will be on the hook for the money. The scam is below: On […]

Fake VCU Health Interview (2/4/2021)

There are always new phishing attacks in our environment. Today we discovered a phisher who is impersonating a VCU health official. This phisher is pretending to offer a fake interview through Telegram. Always be on the look out for these types of scams. Details are below: EMAIL ADDRESS: [email protected] SUBJECT: RESUME REVIEWED AND APPROVED AND […]