Phishing Net

Phishing Scams and Schemes Unveiled

Phishing email was sent Wed, Jan 10, 2024 around 3:56 PM, this scam baits the victim to click the link and submit their login credentials to then see what the document could be.

This scam was sent out in groups so you may have received an email from the same hacker but different subject. The hacker does this to try to make it harder for our Security team to track the phishing emails.

This is why it is important to forward any suspicious emails to [email protected] so we can help alert the VCU community.

Examples of this scam below

In our investigation of this scam we were able to safely obtain a screenshot of what victims of the scam would see if they clicked the link.

The information a user types in would then be stored for the hacker to use later to attempt to log in as the victims.

if you clicked on the link in the Google Document that led to a phishing document. If you submitted your username and credential into the form, please let us know and change your password as soon as possible.

If you have responded to the scammer, clicked on the link, otherwise interacted with this scam, or have any questions, then please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected].

Thank you.