Phishing Net

Phishing Scams and Schemes Unveiled

The following is a scam in which the scammer has compromised an .EDU address (non-VCU) and is using it to send out phishing emails. The email states that the victim needs to click a link to increase their mailbox space.

This is a scam and should be ignored and deleted.
From: Garcia, Ester
Date: Fri, Feb 1, 2019 at 6:08 AM
Subject: Help Desk Service
To: Victim

Your mailbox is almost full.
530MB 550MB

IT Administrator helpdesk service will be working online today with Outlook Web App, all faculty and staff are hereby advice to click on Outlook Web App for increase their mailbox email quota to 25GB space.

Failure to upgrade your account will lead to account termination take note.

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Votre boite mail est presque pleine.
530MB 550MB

Le service d’assistance aux administrateurs informatiques fonctionnera aujourd’hui en ligne avec Outlook Web App. Tous les professeurs et le personnel sont donc invités à cliquer sur Outlook Web App pour augmenter leur quota de courriers électroniques dans les boîtes à lettres de 25 Go.

Si vous ne mettez pas votre compte à niveau, cela entraînera la fermeture du compte.

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