Phishing Net

Phishing Scams and Schemes Unveiled

The following is a scam in which the scammer is posing a member of the French Police Force. The scammer is asking for a uniform patch which will likely be used to create replicas which might be used for nefarious purposes.

This is a scam because the person reaches out without explaining how they got the contact info of the victim. If you have received this email please delete it.
From: prevost
Date: Thu, Dec 6, 2018 at 11:22 AM

Sir , Miss

I am a member of French International Police Association.

My number of member is :F 35 204.

I send you this message in order to request your service ans allow us to begin a collection of Police,Sheriff, Customs,Correction,Federal and State Agencies,Army,Fire,Department of Justice,Rescue and Ems ……uniform patches.

If you have the possibilities to send us some gracefuly , i will be pleased.

I work on the railroad police and i am I am a reservist in the national Gendarmerie (military police),

My business adress is:

“Bruno Prevost

Bureau de Police Ferroviaire-Suge


996 Boulevard du Commandant Nicolas

83100 Toulon-FRANCE”

Respectfully and GOD bless AMERICA