Phishing Net

Phishing Scams and Schemes Unveiled

The following is a scam in which the scammer is posing as Facebook technical support. The scam asks if the victim attempted to log into the wrong Facebook, the link has a cloned facebook page which will send the info entered back to the scammer.

Some signs that this is a scam are the unofficial email address (not from an address), the various grammar issues and the suspicious link. Notice that the link is an IP address instead of a facebook link.

If you have received this email please delete it.
From: IT
Sent: Tuesday, October 9, 2018 9:02:24 AM
To: Victim
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Did you attempt to log into my facebook by accident?

Was this you …..?

We have detected an unauthorized login attempt. 10 or more incorrect passwords in a row were attempted. Please log int to veify any changes.