View VCU Libraries’ how-to videos anywhere, anytime
Need inspiration on your schedule? Explore VCU Libraries’ extensive collection of videos created to make your research process better, faster and smarter. Sessions from the Advance Your Research workshop series can be viewed anytime, anywhere on YouTube. These videos cover key issues for graduate students including literature reviews, research sources and strategies, data management and […]
Reminder: Faculty requests required for Kanopy
Beginning in spring semester 2020, all Kanopy film titles required a faculty request for access and approval by the VCU Libraries. Once approved, the film will be available for viewing to everyone in the VCU community. Kanopy film titles and categories remain searchable. A request form appears with each film title. Film requests must be […]
By JoVE, we’ve got the Journal of Visualized Experiments
Find It JoVE, Journal of Visualized Experiments, is a set of video “journals” demonstrating research protocols and methods. JoVE videos typically show the techniques demonstrated by researchers in their labs and have high production quality. The videos can be used to help train new members of a lab group on a technique. The videos also can […]
Games: Focusing on artistic and cultural value
Always working to meet faculty and student needs, VCU Libraries collects video games that have significant artistic and cultural value to meet the growing interest of students and faculty in the fields of animation, multimedia, digital worlds and gaming. The impetus of the collection, which started with 11 games, came from a faculty request to […]