Category results for: Research support

View VCU Libraries’ how-to videos anywhere, anytime   

Need inspiration on your schedule? Explore VCU Libraries’ extensive collection of videos created to make your research process better, faster and smarter. Sessions from the Advance Your Research workshop series can be viewed anytime, anywhere on YouTube. These videos cover key issues for graduate students including literature reviews, research sources and strategies, data management and […]

Find health-related survey questions and answers in the Health Poll Database

The Roper Center’s Health Poll Database includes 80 years of health-related U.S. survey questions and answers and covers topics ranging from medical cost and health care use to social determinants of health and much more. Polls can be searched or browsed through a visual map. Demographic crosstabs and trend line charts of questions that have been […]

New Resources Acquired in FY 2020

VCU Libraries continuously improves its collection with strategic choices designed to meet the diverse needs of the VCU academic community. New acquisitions for 2019-20 include these.  Afro-Americana Imprints, 1535-1922: This digital edition of one of the world’s preeminent collections for African-American studies contains more than 12,000 printed works, including books, pamphlets and broadsides, providing researchers […]

By JoVE, we’ve got the Journal of Visualized Experiments

Find It JoVE, Journal of Visualized Experiments, is a set of video “journals” demonstrating research protocols and methods. JoVE videos typically show the techniques demonstrated by researchers in their labs and have high production quality. The videos can be used to help train new members of a lab group on a technique. The videos also can […]

SAGE Research Methods: Building better methods

Find It Methodology is relevant to research in all disciplines. SAGE Research Methods is a database that focuses on methods over subject. That makes SAGE Research Methods very useful for research methods classes. It is also useful for researchers writing a methods section in a thesis, journal or dissertation.  There are several key ways to use SAGE Research Methods: […]

Uniworld Online: Global company information

Find It Did you know that the Uniworld database is useful for budding entrepreneurs and locating details on business competitors, career opportunities and foreign internships?  This database covers multinational companies with headquarters in over 200 countries and 20,000 industries. Uniworld is a basic and effective resource for locating company information.  The power of this database […]

Communal effort creates access to rare ms.

One of the emerging and expanding roles of libraries is the creation of scholarship. This work, which adds to the ongoing role of libraries to provide protection, perservation and access to scholarship, is explored in a transcribathon in partnership with the respected Folger Shakespeare Library.In 2015 and 2017, VCU Libraries bought some 100 members of the […]