Collections of Distinction: Current focus areas
The “Collections of Distinction” initiative focuses on expanding and improving collections that provide crucial and unique materials for teaching, research, discovery and enjoyment. Collections of Distinction exemplify VCU’s mission to inspire and foster creative ideas that celebrate diversity, inclusiveness and engagement on campus and beyond. Supporting established or emerging areas of research, Collections of Distinction […]
Social Work Center: Resources for clinical practice
Find It Social Work Reference Center supports clinical practice for social workers, nurses, allied health professionals, mental health professionals and inter-professional health care teams. Content is organized into core areas such as: Diseases and Conditions, Practices and Skills, Assessment Tools, Drugs, Patient Education, Practice Guidelines, and Current Legislation Located within those areas are Evidence-based quick […]
Social Explorer: Current and historical demographic data
Find It Social Explorer provides quick and easy access to current and historical demographic data. Easy-to-use online tools help users create custom maps and reports to visualize, explore and understand the patterns behind the numbers. The latest version offers new ways to explore and present data from 1790 to the present, from U.S. neighborhoods to […]
Mapping data and checking facts
Electronic mapping resources are fast becoming an important tool for researchers to visually communicate their scholarship. More and more VCU research projects require the visualization of data to supplement academic efforts in effective and powerful ways. For example, while you can explain the concept of food deserts, having a way to visually show the large geographic areas that […]
Uniworld Online: The world of multinational companies
Find It Uniworld Online is a searchable database that covers multinational companies with headquarters in over 200 countries and 20,000 industries. It provides contact information for headquarters, subsidiaries, branches and executives of multinational firms. Search by keyword, parent company name, subsidiary name, “division of” name, product description or by descriptive word. It is more comprehensive […]
Passport GMID: Global market information database
Find It Research global markets with Passport GMID. From Euromonitor, a business intelligence company with more than 40 years of experience analyzing developed and emerging markets, Passport GMID provides in-depth analysis, statistics, surveys, and news for industries, consumer markets, and business environments all over the world. Find company and brand shares of leading companies; use dashboards and data to […]