Graphic medicine texts now available at Health Sciences Library
The Health Sciences Library offers a new collection of 22 graphic medicine titles available for checkout. Available titles are listed in the Graphic Medicine at VCU guide. These are part of VCU Libraries’ general collection and can be checked out by anyone in the VCU community. The guide also includes links to webcomics and resources […]
New items in Special Collections and Archives represent diverse voices
This is a brief sample of recently acquired materials by Special Collections and Archives for two of its best- known collections. These items are representative of a focus on adding more diverse voices and themes to the research collection. They were added in the 2023-24 fiscal year. Additions to the Book Arts Collection Special Collections […]
Art history grad student creates ‘Considering Comics’ online exhibit
Explore the exhibit “Considering Comics” is a new VCU Libraries online gallery exhibit. The exhibit was created by Veronica Parker, Art History Master’s candidate, who fulfilled a 2019 internship with the James Branch Cabell Library Special Collections and Archives. The exhibit may well inspire others interested in studying or making comics. The art historian turned […]
Billy DeBeck’s Office Door: Cultural stereotypes of Appalachia
VCU Libraries has an extensive Comic Arts Collection. But it also has a few items that are not in the book or comic book format — like the office door of pioneering cartoonist Billy DeBeck, featuring an oil painting of one of his most beloved characters. William Morgan DeBeck, 1890-1942, was a giant in the […]