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BrowZine: Online journal browsing

Find It BrowZine is a tool that helps you keep up with your favorite research journals. You can search for a specific journal title or use the subject listing to view titles in a general discipline and drill down to narrower sections. A new feature in BrowZine is the ability to link back to VCU […]

Rehabilitation Reference Center

Find it Rehabilitation Reference Center (RRC) is an evidence-based tool for practitioners needing point-of-care information on conditions, treatments, and patient education materials. Through a basic search, rehabilitation specialists can access articles on their topic of interest, as well as other information related to that topic, such as exercise images for patient follow-up, guidelines, excerpts from […]

WRDS: Data Research Platform for Business

Find It WRDS is one of the leading data research platforms for business. It allows faculty and graduate students to access comprehensive data sources from a single interface. Datasets include: Historical stock prices from the Center for Research in Security Prices (CRSP) Company financials from Standard and Poor’s COMPUSTAT Corporate governance data from MSCI (formerly […]