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VCU Libraries enters a partnership with PLOS to cover publishing costs

VCU Libraries has just entered a partnership with PLOS, a non-profit Open Access publisher. All PLOS journals are Open Access, Plan S compliant, (initiative for full and immediate Open Access publishing supported by cOAlition S funders), and Open Data compliant. Articles are peer-reviewed. Under this new, non-APC based business model, institutions pay an annual fee […]

AccessPhysiotherapy platform includes unlimited physical therapy ebooks and more

VCU Libraries has a new subscription to AccessPhysiotherapy that includes physical therapy ebooks, procedure and exercise videos, image galleries, self-assessment questions and an interactive cadaver dissection tool.  Among the ebooks in this resource are the latest editions of: Dutton’s Orthopaedic Examination, Evaluation, and Intervention; Therapeutic Modalities in Rehabilitation; Neurologic Rehabilitation: Neuroscience and Neuroplasticity in Physical […]

New subscription to JAMA resource supports Evidence-Based Medicine

VCU Libraries now provides access to JAMAevidence, an online resource that has guidance and tools for practicing evidence-based medicine (EBM). It includes the most recent editions of Users’ Guides to the Medical Literature, The Rational Clinical Examination, JAMA Guide to Statistics and Methods and Care at the Close of Life. It also has calculators, a […]