Category results for: Scholarly communications

VCU Libraries enters a partnership with PLOS to cover publishing costs

VCU Libraries has just entered a partnership with PLOS, a non-profit Open Access publisher. All PLOS journals are Open Access, Plan S compliant, (initiative for full and immediate Open Access publishing supported by cOAlition S funders), and Open Data compliant. Articles are peer-reviewed. Under this new, non-APC based business model, institutions pay an annual fee […]

Tips for faculty: Selecting and sharing course materials with students

VCU Libraries is faculty’s campus partner for selecting and sharing course materials. Drawing on expertise in collections, copyright, and more, libraries faculty and staff can help instructors thinking about textbook affordability, find the right materials for class and ensure those materials are shared legally. Information on this support and more can be found on the […]

New edition of ‘AMA Manual of Style’ available online

Find It  VCU Libraries now offers an online version of the newest edition of the The AMA Manual of Style. This is a must-use guide for those seeking to publish research findings in the health and biomedical sciences fields. In addition to nuts-and-bolts guidance on punctuation, capitalization and grammar, the new online edition covers how […]

Communal effort creates access to rare ms.

One of the emerging and expanding roles of libraries is the creation of scholarship. This work, which adds to the ongoing role of libraries to provide protection, perservation and access to scholarship, is explored in a transcribathon in partnership with the respected Folger Shakespeare Library.In 2015 and 2017, VCU Libraries bought some 100 members of the […]