Public Domain Day 2025
January 1st is Public Domain Day in the United States. This year copyrighted works from 1929 become free for all to copy, share, and expand upon. Why is the public domain so significant? According to Duke University’s Center for the Study of the Public Domain, the public domain 1) benefits the arts by allowing artists […]
New items in Special Collections and Archives represent diverse voices
This is a brief sample of recently acquired materials by Special Collections and Archives for two of its best- known collections. These items are representative of a focus on adding more diverse voices and themes to the research collection. They were added in the 2023-24 fiscal year. Additions to the Book Arts Collection Special Collections […]
Special Collections and Archives Highlights
VCU Libraries continues to build its research collections of primary source materials supporting the teaching, learning, research and health care needs of the university. In celebration of the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment, Special Collections and Archives completed the arrangement and description of a number of archival collections documenting organizations and […]
Art history grad student creates ‘Considering Comics’ online exhibit
Explore the exhibit “Considering Comics” is a new VCU Libraries online gallery exhibit. The exhibit was created by Veronica Parker, Art History Master’s candidate, who fulfilled a 2019 internship with the James Branch Cabell Library Special Collections and Archives. The exhibit may well inspire others interested in studying or making comics. The art historian turned […]
Two newly available collections align with LGBTQ Studies program
Find It Betsy Brinson collection of AIDS epidemic exhibit materials Find It Equality Virginia records Two manuscript collections documenting stories of the LGBTQ community in Richmond are now open and available for research. This work was scheduled in part to strategically align resources in support of VCU’s recent hiring initiative that will support a new Virginia Commonwealth University a minor […]
Zelda Nordlinger Papers: New finding aid for Virginia feminist’s materials
Find It Now available for researchers, the finding aid for the Zelda Nordlinger papers describes the recently-reprocessed collection. Zelda Nordlinger (1932-2008) devoted much of her adult life advocating for feminist causes. A freelance writer, she composed essays and short stories for numerous publications. The majority of her work carried a message promoting feminist ideals. The […]
The Encampment for Citizenship, 1939-2009
Finding Aid In 1946, following the chaos and horror of World War II and concerned by what they saw as the American education system’s failure, Algernon D. Black, a leader of the New York Society for Ethical Culture, and Alice Kohn Pollitzer, a prominent civic leader, began an experiment in democratic living. Inspired in part […]
Creativity professor seeks inspiration
Inspiration and creativity are not bound by disciplines. Libraries provide a crossroads for the exchange of ideas and exploration of materials across subject matters. That thinking brought Berwyn Hung, who teaches creativity, and his students to James Branch Cabell Library. “Students are very much in their own bubble,” says Hung. “They need as much outside […]
Stubbins: U.S. municipal buildings postcards
Find It Researchers studying planning, history, architecture and similar subjects that involve built environments now have a new national resource. The Stubbins Collection of U.S. County Courthouse and Municipal Building Postcards has been digitized and is now freely available online. The collection features U.S. county courthouses and other municipal buildings such as town halls and […]
History in Your Hands: A digitized Dickinson letter
Finding aid A 17-word letter from poet Emily Dickinson to a neighbor is now widely available to researchers through a new “History in Your Hands” exhibit in the online VCU Libraries Gallery. Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) lived most of her life in the family home in Amherst, Mass. She lived quietly. While often identified as a recluse, Dickinson […]