By JoVE, we’ve got the Journal of Visualized Experiments

JoVE, Journal of Visualized Experiments, is a set of video “journals” demonstrating research protocols and methods. JoVE videos typically show the techniques demonstrated by researchers in their labs and have high production quality.
The videos can be used to help train new members of a lab group on a technique. The videos also can be used to better understand the methods used in a research article. For some techniques, the videos can be used to demonstrate what students will be doing in the laboratory portion of a class.
JoVE has sets of videos in different areas that they sell as separate subject journals within their collection. JoVE journals include chemistry, engineering, and a variety of areas within biology from biochemistry to environment to neuroscience.
For several years, VCU Libraries has held a small number of journals within the JoVE collection. This year, VCU Libraries all of JoVE’s videos. Anyone teaching a scientific research technique could save time by first checking JoVE to see if it has a video on the topic.
By Julie Arendt, science and engineering research librarian
Categories Botany, Engineering, Forensic science, Life Science, Medicine, Research support, STEM, Update, video