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Suffrage Centennial: VCU Libraries offers resources to explore online

August 26, 2020 will mark the centenary of the 19th Amendment, which guaranteed women the right to vote in state and federal elections in the United States. As the nation celebrates this expansion of suffrage, VCU Libraries is sharing items from its collections of women’s history materials held in Special Collections and Archives and additional […]

Digital Collections moves to a new software platform

VCU Libraries’ Digital Collections are now housed on a new platfom. After nearly 15 years using one software, the libraries is now using Islandora. Check it out at After: digital collections in Islandora Why Islandora? Islandora is emerging as an industry standard for digital library repositories. It is open-source software that supports modern library technologies and new and […]

American Consumer Culture combines three vivid collections

Find It American Consumer Culture combines three vivid collections of documents: Market Research & American Business, 1935-1965, Trade Catalogues and the American Home, and J. Walter Thompson: Advertising America. Together, these galleries are a powerful set of sources for studying the history of consumer culture in the twentieth century – from research into consumer habits to the products produced and the advertising process […]

Business Insights Global: Powerful search, broad resource

Find It Business Insights Global can assist business students research, analyze, interpret and understand today’s complex industries. The comprehensive content and powerful analytical tools available in this database enables the researcher to understand the increasing global nature of today’s business world. This new database is easy to use and comes with powerful search capabilities. Interactive […]

Bloomsbury Design Library: Research and learning tools

Find It  VCU Libraries has access to Bloomsbury Design Library, which offers cross-searchable access to a broad and expanding range of encyclopedias, reference works, e-books, images and more covering the global history, theory and practice of crafts and design. This platform facilitates a few ways to identify relevant information. Explore content by Period, Place, People, Disciplines or […]

Library Stack: Online digital arts publications

Find It VCU Libraries has access to Library Stack, an online archive of digital arts publications from the fields of contemporary art, graphic design, architecture, film, and philosophy. Library Stack draws from diverse global platforms and has a particular focus on hybrid works. Content is available in a variety of formats including: Text e.g. essays, […]

Black Drama: Full text plays by black playwrights from around the world

Find it  VCU Libraries offers access to the Black Drama play collection from Alexander Street Press which contains the full text of thousands of plays written from the mid-1800s to the present. It includes published and previously unpublished works from North America, Africa, the Caribbean and other African diaspora countries. It features hard-to-find plays by celebrated […]

Digital Theatre+: Contemporary theater performance video

Find It  VCU Libraries has a subscription to Digital Theatre+, a platform for the performing arts providing students with access to full-length productions, interviews, texts, rehearsals and other educational resources. Digital Theatre+ features productions from The Broadway Digital Archive, The Royal Shakespeare Company, LA Theatre Works, The BBC, Stage Russia and many more. In addition to […]

JSTOR Security Studies

Find It JSTOR Security Studies gathers academic and policy research on international and national security problems and foreign policy issues, encompassing perspectives from around the world. It explores a wide range of journals, ebooks and research reports in the field of security studies. This content looks at security studies through a broad lens, encompassing research on international security and peace and conflict studies from all corners of the […]

World Politics Review

Find It World Politics Review (WPR) provides analysis of international political trends and comprehensive, detailed and global perspectives. It covers topics of key relevance including foreign policy, international politics and foreign affairs.  Subjects covered: Aid and Development International Law Political Theory Public Diplomacy and Propaganda Human Rights and War and Conflict WPR provides daily political analyses […]

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