Phishing Net

Phishing Scams and Schemes Unveiled

The information Security office has received reports of a payroll/ payday scam going around the university. The scammer’s are using phone calls and text messages to carry out the scam. Please be aware of these scams and report any suspicious phone calls or texts to VCU information Security.

The scammer will reach out to the victim and claim that payroll cannot be completed unless the victim can come up with some money. The scammers will ask that the victim wire over the money so that they can complete payroll. The scammer will use supervisor’s / manager’s names in the scam to appear more authentic. The scammer will also use spoofed numbers from around the area to appear more authentic.

Please note that your company will NEVER ask a employee to shell out some money to complete payroll. If you are unsure about a scam, contact your supervisor directly or report the incident to [email protected] where we can investigate.