Phishing Net

Phishing Scams and Schemes Unveiled

The following is a scam in which the scammer is posing as an email service account. The message is a spoof of the “your email account has signed in from another/unknown location, please click to verify” message that some email providers send to keep your account safe. You can tell this is a scam because the scammer’s email address is a nonservice account and the email signature doesn’t signify which company they are. IF you see this email please ignore and delete it.
From: 21050088
Date: Wed, Apr 3, 2019 at 2:48 PM
Subject: Email Notification ( Treat Urgent )
To: 21050088


Your E-mail account was recently signed in from an unknown location, please click here [malicious link redacted] for verification to avoid closure of your E-mail account

To complete this verification, simply or click here [malicious link redacted]


Webmail Administrator