Counseling and Therapy in Video: Therapeutic methods
Learn the role therapy plays in people’s lives with Counseling and Therapy in Video.
Counseling and Therapy in Video provides users with more than 700 hours of video about the challenges and steps associated with working with various clients. Search through various titles, therapeutic approaches and therapists to figure out what methods work with particular people and why.
Get in-depth explanations on various topics from well-established therapists. The database offers insight into working with specific populations such as veterans or teens. There are videos for users to get a firsthand look into putting methods to use.
Watch videos from therapists like Jon Carlson, Kevin Nadal and Irvin Yalom. Learn from the best by watching videos such as “Poverty as Social Exclusion” or “Crisis Counseling: The ABC Model and Live Demonstration With Two PTSD Clients.”
By Katlyn Pierre, public relations intern. For more information about this resource or others
Image: Creative Commons
Categories Humanities and Sciences, Psychology