Study Skills: Test preparations reads
Books about study skills and test preparation are organized and shelved together on the first floor of Cabell Library. Use them as handy references as you prep for end-of-the-semester tests and projects.
These items are available only to VCU students, staff and faculty. No renewals are permitted. Faculty may put these materials on reserve.
Librarians have organized these books in a central location to make it easy to find titles and guides that aid with time management, basic and advanced organizational skills, the studying complex academic subjects, reading to learn, transition to college life and other themes related to studying and managing information. Also housed in this section are books about test prep for LSAT, GRE, MCAT and others. Books about job searching and career choices are also available.
In addition, two useful online guides are available:
- Developing Study Skills - Preparing for Admissions Tests
Image: VCU Libraries