As you know, VCU maintains a strong commitment to equal opportunity in our recruitment of a diverse and highly-qualified workforce. As an Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity Employer, VCU is required to track all applicants and hires. Hourly employees are an important part of our equal opportunity plan, but the decentralized nature of hiring hourly employees has made them challenging to track. To that end, VCU eJobs will now be used to recruit and hire for hourly positions. The process of recruiting hourly employees is similar to the process for classified hires; VCU eJobs allows us to appropriately track employees and learn important trends. This new process does not apply to student hires and decentralized hires already in-progress can be completed without being impacted by this change.

What’s new:

  • All hourly hires must be recruited through VCU eJobs.
  • Interview notes and justifications must be scanned and attached in VCU eJobs.
  • Hiring proposals will require a detailed justification for why a candidate is the best fit for an available position. (Unlike classified hires, Human Resources Consultants are not required to review hiring proposals before offers are made.)
  • If the hiring range is greater than $20/hour, a VCU Human Resources Consultant must provide approval prior to posting.
  • If the requested rate of pay is greater than $20/hour, a VCU Human Resources Consultant must provide approval.
  • VCU eJobs PAFs and Wage Position Descriptions should be submitted with new hire paperwork.
  • You will have the capability to send non-select letters to candidates.
  • You will have the capability to attach all documents (interview notes, reference check, etc.).
  • You will have the capability to draft employment confirmation letters.

For additional information, refer to the VCU eJobs guide or attend the next HR Partners meeting on August 30 or August 31 for a full demonstration on VCU eJobs enhancements. Thank you for your cooperation in this important process. I appreciate your good work and support. Questions? Please contact your Human Resources Consultant.

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