Improving findability with the new A-Z
In the 17 days since we unveiled the new A-Z web directory, we’ve had over 30,000 clicks to the many university websites listed in the directory. Shortly after the unveiling, we added in search tracking to track what keywords were drawing people to your sites. We’ve also added more helpful information to our knowledge base […]
Using VCU Keywords for Short URLs
Originally the VCU Keywords service was designed specifically with user-defined keywords in mind, so that for instance would redirect to the Department of Biology’s homepage. This feature is useful for both print and email marketing campaigns because it gives a shorter, easier to remember URL for website addresses that may otherwise be long and […]
VCU Keywords & Short URLs
At the November Web Users Group meeting, we introduced a new feature we were planning for the VCU Keywords application. The new feature we originally envisioned would enable temporary, randomized URLs that would expire after 60 days of non-use. After our discussion at the Web Users Group meeting, we’ve decided to change the feature somewhat […]
JSEclipse for AJAX site development
JSEclipse is the the best and most popular Javascript plugin for the Eclipse environment. Its benefits are visible from the simplest tasks like editing small sections of code for your site to the more complex ones like working with the next big AJAX library or developing plugins for a product that embeds JavaScript like Dreamweaver […]
VCU Calendar XML Feed
The VCU Events Calnedar now has a customizable XML Feed. This gives you the opprotunitiy to include your department’s events directly into your site. This can be on the homepage or a special events page. Here are a couple example pages. You can see how to do this to your site by viewing the tutorial.