Web Services

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Wiki – User registration model changes

In an effort to address performance and user related issues Web Services will be altering the user registration model for wiki.vcu.edu (Change Management Request #9000636). Beginning August 9th, 2016, new users who require access to wiki.vcu.edu will need to submit a Service Desk ticket (servicedesk.vcu.edu) to the Wiki category with the following details: For individuals, we […]

VCU Mobile has been updated

VCU Mobile, both the Apple iOS and the Android versions, has been updated. The Apple iOS version includes the VCU Branding standard icon, updated Library link and adds Rider to the existing RamRide application.   The Android version includes the VCU Branding standard icon, updated Library link and RamRide now utilizes the Transloc application. To learn […]

3 more sites are now managed by T4

Three more sites (VCU Libraries, IT Governance and Quest for Distinction) are now being managed by VCU’s Web Content Management System — Terminal Four (T4).   This brings the number of T4-managed sites to 17. To assist areas that want to use one of three pre-designed T4 templates, please visit URL: http://go.vcu.edu/t4templates  

VCU Mobile – Are you running the latest version?

This summer, the 6th version of VCU Mobile will be released for both the Apple iOS and the Android mobile platforms.   Will you be taking advantage of this?  Currently, 14% of Apple iOS devices and 21% of Android devices are running old versions of VCU Mobile.  If you are one of them, then please […]

Welcome Week Presentation

You can view the Welcome Week presentation (ppt) that the Director of VCU Web Services gave to a group of incoming freshman students. The focus of the presentation was Interested in finding – which course has seats still available – an available computing lab – create a blog or wiki – make an emergency phone […]

VCU Now Listed in iTunes U

While we’ve had iTunes U available privately within VCU for over three years now, yesterday marked the first time VCU was available from the public list of universities. We are excited to see what this broader availability will mean for our content providers who have chosen to make their content public. If you have compelling […]

3 sites managed by the VCU Web Content Management System

The VCU Enrollment Services web site (http://www.enrollment.vcu.edu) became the third production web site to be managed by the Open Text Web Content Management System. It joins the Combined Virginia Campaign (http://www.vcu.edu/cvc/) which went live in October 2008 and Systems Modeling and Analysis (http://www.sysm.vcu.edu) which went live in February 2009. To learn more about the Web […]

Customize the Events Calendar for your web site

The VCU Events Calendar is now available to web designers in XML. This allows web designers to customize the display of the events calendar to match their web site design. To learn how to design a customize view of the events calendar for your web site, please visit URL: http://www.ts.vcu.edu/faq/calxml/.