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Category results for: iTunes

Over 1,000 VCU podcasts are available at iTunes University

VCU became an official member of iTunes University in 2008.   Since that time, over 1,000 podcasts have been uploaded to the site.  Today, there are 41 VCU Highlights podcasts, with 24 of them being VCU TV/HD.  There are 944 Academic podcasts.  Four areas (Medicine, Music, Arts, and Business) have over 100 podcasts each.  Finally, there […]

998 podcasts are available at itunes.vcu.edu

VCU began using iTunes university back in 2007.  Last year, VCU was officially recognized in the iTunes University list of colleges and universities.  At present, there 998 podcasts stored at itunes.vcu.edu.  There are 41 podcasts that are available to the general public with 40 of these being either VCU Athletics or VCU TV/HD.   There are […]

VCU iTunes University – now over 600 podcasts

There are now over 600 podcasts available for download on VCU iTunes University.  The URL is http://itunes.vcu.edu.   There are nearly 100 publicly available podcasts from VCU Athletics, VCU TV/HD, VCU Libraries and many more.   There are over 500 podcasts requiring one to log in with their VCU eID from almost every college and […]

VCU iTunesU statistics, version 2

Version 2 of the VCU iTunesU user statistics was put into production on Monday, March 9th. Version 2 includes additional functionality and a dramatically improved user interface. To view the number of podcasts viewed or downloaded, please log into URL: http://stats.itunes.vcu.edu.