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Category results for: Applications

Wiki’s ascension to the cloud.

Tap, tap– tap, tap. Does this thing still work? Atlassian Confluence 7.4.17, affectionately known as wiki.vcu.edu is up for a change. We recognize that the Wiki is already a critical application all around VCU’s departments. Over the last few years, we’ve seen little functionalities drop as we switch Directory Services, or as a handful of […]

Events Calendar gets a facelift

The VCU Events Calendar public interface was redesigned.   In addition to a new look, it is both web accessible (WCAG 2.0 Level A) and mobile friendly.    We will continue to improve the rest of the application including a redesign of the management side as well as adding new features and functionality. The VCU Events Calendar […]

Four new/updated applications

Introducing four new/updated applications: Filelocker, Course Match, VCU Mobile and Password Resets. Filelocker https://filelocker.vcu.edu Filelocker is replacing Filedrop.  In addition to allowing VCU folks to send up to 2GB files to recipients, Filelocker has many new features, including Allows non-VCU folks to be invited to send files to VCU recipients Does email look-ahead when entering […]

Intermittent Filedrop Service

On November 12th we applied a security patch to the Filedrop system and after immediate testing everything seemed to be working fine. In the days following we have heard a few users report that they have experienced intermittent service with the application. We have since identified the error, remedied the problem and will continue to […]

VCU Keywords have served over 6 million customers

VCU Keywords, known as go.vcu.edu, has now served more than 6 million customer requests.  Begun in 2007 as way to provide a vcu.edu URL that is both permanent and easy to remember, VCU keywords are now providing access to nearly 700 web sites. If you would like to learn more, use any of the existing […]

Inactive Movable Type Blogs To Be Deleted

On December 15, we will take the first steps toward removing Movable Type, the backend of blog.vcu.edu, by permanently deleting inactive personal blogs from the system and the server. Departmental and organizational blogs — as well as any WordPress blog hosted at wp.vcu.edu — will be unaffected. To learn more about the criteria we used […]

Filedrop sets record of 176 Gb

During the month of September 2011, VCU Filedrop (filedrop.vcu.edu) was used by VCU faculty, staff and students to transfer a record 176.05 gb worth of data.   On September 29th, the individual day record of 18.39 gb was set. For folks who are not familiar with VCU Filedrop, it is a VCU-created application that allows the […]

Go hits 2 million

What started out in January 2007 as a way for folks to have a permanent, short URL that they could publish on web sites and printed documents with the assurance that they would still be working months or years in the future has now become a staple at VCU.  This past week, the go.vcu.edu keyword […]

Filedrop: Over 1 tb served

Begun in June 2010, Filedrop has now been used to send over 1 terabyte of data.   Filedrop was created to address the attachment size limit when VCU moved its students from Lotus Notes, which allowed 25 mb attachment, to Gmail, which only allow 10 mb attachments.    Filedrop has surely reduce email storage since […]

go.vcu.edu keywords hits #500

Like 500 Home Runs in baseball, the VCU Keyword application, http://go.vcu.edu, now has 500 keywords.  The 500 keywords have been access over 1.9 million times, with the most popular keyword being ‘eidfinder’.   http://go.vcu.edu/eidfinder has been accessed of 112,000 times.

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