UNiversal Prompt coming to CAS!
In yet another devastating blow to iFrames everywhere, effective March 30, Duo Security will no longer support the much beloved “traditional” Duo Prompt. To replace the traditional prompt, they have conveniently released a VCU pre-approved product called the “UNiversal Prompt”. This was announced a while back, and the Information Security team did a nice job […]
Upcoming Central Authentication Service (CAS) Redesign
The page you’re used to seeing when you log in to many VCU websites is about to change. On Tuesday, January 25, Technology Services will unveil the newly redesigned VCU Central Authentication Service. It was redesigned to better match the overall VCU look and feel. As an added benefit, this new version should be much […]
CAS provides single sign-on to VCU CollegiateLink
VCU Student Affairs joined the CollegiateLink community to provide an online resource for VCU Student Organizations. Single sign-on login access to VCU CollegiateLink is now available via the VCU Central Authentication System. You can log into VCU CollegiateLink by going to URL: http://vcu.collegiatelink.net/Community?action=getMyHome.
CAS is now load balanced
Today, the VCU Central Authentication System (CAS) was placed behind the VCU load balancer in order to provide high availability for authentication into critical VCU applications. To enable CAS authentication for your application, please submit a help desk ticket.
New CAS Login Page
A newly designed Central Authentication System (CAS) login page was put into production today. CAS provides single sign-on for all applications and online services that are CAS-enabled.