New CAS Redesign
At the start of the 2017 spring semester, VCU Technology Services will be switching to a new Central Authentication Service (CAS) website design. The internet and VCU’s web experience goals have changed since the current design was implemented in 2011. Since then, we’ve furthered our commitment to performance, accessibility, and utility. This transition has led […]
T4 Version 8
On October 12th, 2016 version 8 of the TerminalFour web content management system was released to the university. Technology Services is currently in negotiations on how to properly migrate sites from v7 into v8. At the moment the plan is to put new sites (that are not part of a v7 template) into v8, everything […]
Pubapps Upgrade
This is a notice that on Thursday, October 20th Web Services will be migrating all websites hosted on Pubapps to new Pubapps hardware (Change Management #9001131). This change will go through approval by the Change Advisory Board (CAB) October 13th. This disruptive change will take place between 2 – 4 a.m. and will result in […]
Updates to Listserv Subscription Scripts
Web Services is in the midst of a long process of upgrading the servers that make up the Jupiter Web System. One part of the upgrade process is eliminating old insecure scripts. These scripts are used to subscribe people to a Listserv email list. However, in 1999, Listserv integrated subscription services into its web interface […]
MyForms – Upcoming Change
This is a notice that on Thursday, September 29th Web Services will be making a change to (Change Management #9001004). The change will add a unique email subject for each email sent by the application so that Gmail does not combine submissions into a single message thread. This change has been approved by the […]
Video Server Decommission – Final Notice
On August 1st, 2016 was powered off and individuals with video content were unable to access the server without intervention from Web Services. This email serves as a final notice that on September 15th, 2016 the server will be fully decommissioned. In addition, on October 1st, 2016 Web Services plans to turn off the […]
WordPress – Upcoming Maintenance
In an effort to get everything ready for the new school year, the blogging service will undergo maintenance on Thursday, August 18th from 5:30-6 a.m. This change has been approved and is detailed in the Change Request #9000517. During this time all blogs and websites hosted on the platform will be unavailable for about 10 […]
Wiki – User registration model changes
In an effort to address performance and user related issues Web Services will be altering the user registration model for (Change Management Request #9000636). Beginning August 9th, 2016, new users who require access to will need to submit a Service Desk ticket ( to the Wiki category with the following details: For individuals, we […]
Intermittent Filedrop Service
On November 12th we applied a security patch to the Filedrop system and after immediate testing everything seemed to be working fine. In the days following we have heard a few users report that they have experienced intermittent service with the application. We have since identified the error, remedied the problem and will continue to […]
Inactive Movable Type Blogs To Be Deleted
On December 15, we will take the first steps toward removing Movable Type, the backend of, by permanently deleting inactive personal blogs from the system and the server. Departmental and organizational blogs — as well as any WordPress blog hosted at — will be unaffected. To learn more about the criteria we used […]