VCU Menorah Review: Judaic culture electronic journal
Find It VCU Menorah Review is an electronic journal that provides information on the Judaic culture. Issues are published biannually with winter/spring and summer/fall issues. Browse the archives and look up issues from fall 2003 to the present. The search option matches various words or phrases with articles. VCU Menorah Review allows users to access scholarly articles […]
Sefer Torah: Alumni gift to VCU Libraries
Virginia Commonwealth University announced today the acquisition of a Sefer Torah, a powerful symbol and moving presence in Jewish worship and community life. Presented by an alumni couple with deep connections to the university, it will be held and safeguarded by the VCU Libraries’ Special Collections and Archives. Donors Martin L. Johnson, MD, and Olinda […]
Index of Christian Art: Catalogs of Christian art
Find It The Index of Christian Art catalogs art found within a broadly-defined Christian context. In its digital form, the index contains some 80,000 full-text records and more than 100,000 images dating from 30 C.E. to 1550 C.E. Founded in 1917 and continuously updated, this resource is maintained by Princeton University. Much of the art […]
Index Islamicus: Islam, Middle East and Muslim world records
Find It Where can you find information on every aspect of the Muslim world, from both Eastern and Western perspectives? Index Islamicus includes coverage of Islam, the Middle East and the Muslim world on topics such as art, history, literature, medicine, politics, religion and science. Coverage dates back to 1906 and is updated annually by […]