Berg Fashion Library: World fashion index
Find It Fashion lovers everywhere can be in-tune with fashion statements throughout history with the Berg Fashion Library. The resource provides integrated text and image content from the 1600s to today in the form of e-books, reference works and more. It provides in-depth information on various bodies, garments and styles of fashion. The database also […]
Creative Catalysts: VCU Arts Librarians
Nell Chenault, Emily Davis Winthrop and Carla-Mae Crookendale can help you create, teach and find inspiration. Each of them brings a love and appreciation of the arts, related educational credentials and librarian savvy to their roles in VCU’s creative community. * * * * * Nell Chenault, Film and Performing Arts Research Librarian Schools and […]
The Vogue Archive: More than a century of cultural history
Find It More than a century of cultural history is easily accessible in image and text through The Vogue Archive. The Vogue Archive gives users digital access to the entire run of the U.S. edition of Vogue(1892-present) with its photographs, articles and advertisements. Comprehensive indexing allows for searches of keywords, materials, products, garments, designers, individuals and companies. Students […]