Category results for: English

DARE: U.S. linguistic variation

Find It The Dictionary of American Regional English (DARE) is a long-running project designed to capture variations in the English language across the United States. It allows scholars and lovers of language to study nuances, geographic spread, and change over time. This resource can be searched, browsed regionally, and offers many useful tools for the […]

VCU Literary Award Winners

VCU serves as the proud home of two major U.S. literary awards, given for book-length works in poetry and fiction. The award-winning titles are available in the collections of the VCU Libraries. Named for late VCU English faculty member Larry Levis, the Levis Reading Prize has been given annually for the best first or second book […]

Fiction Connection: Fiction and select nonfiction resource

Find It Fiction Connection allows users to bring out their inner bookworm. Fiction Connection allows users to search through works of fiction and select nonfiction books all around the United States. Discover books like Andree Cuenod’s “Awakening” and Nicholas Irving’s “The Reaper.” Browse through some of the thousands of books that the database has to […]

Directory of Published Proceedings: Paper database

Find It The Directory of Published Proceedings offers users access to research papers from all over the world. The site provides categories, ranging from science and technology to economics and finance. Use the Directory of Published Proceedings to find articles on pollution control and ecology or science and technology. There are articles like “Energy, Power & […]

Blackbird: Online literature and arts journal

Find It Blackbird: An Online Journal of Literature and the Arts  contains poetry, fiction, nonfiction and art. Get lost in the works of Joshua Bennett, David Wojahn and Louis Draper. Blackbird connects users to various works of art, but it gives users in-depth information on the writer. In some instances, it gives “Blackbird’s Notes” in which […]

History in Your Hands: A digitized Dickinson letter

Finding aid A 17-word letter from poet Emily Dickinson to a neighbor is now widely available to researchers through a new “History in Your Hands” exhibit in the online VCU Libraries Gallery. Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) lived most of her life in the family home in Amherst, Mass. She lived quietly. While often identified as a recluse, Dickinson […]

Journal of Social Theory: Art education resouce

Find It An important publication in the arts world, The Journal of Social Theory in Art Education, now has a new publishing base: Virginia Commonwealth University’s Scholars Compass. VCU Libraries launched it in mid-summer. Paper proposals for the next thematic issue on “Navigating Divides” will also be managed through Scholars Compass. Deadline for submission is […]

Book Citation Index: Books and publications connections

Find It A powerful new tool allows researchers and scholars to identify connections between books and other forms of scholarly publications. The Book Citation Index (BCI) is now part of  VCU Libraries’ subscription to Web of Science and includes information on more than 30,000 books in the social sciences, humanities and sciences. BCI tracks the […]

Study Skills: New study materials to loan

New this fall, you may checkout books from the Study Skills and Test Prep section on the first floor of Cabell Library. Previously, these materials were for use only inside the building. Now, many may be checked out for three-day loans. These items are available only to VCU students, staff and faculty. No renewals are […]