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FY 2024 New Health Sciences E-Resources

VCU Libraries added these journals and digital resources to the collection in 2023-24. Journal Backfiles New Journal Subscriptions Reference Titles LWW Health Library bridge ebook collections Compiled by Karen Cary

How to obtain standards for students and faculty projects

VCU Libraries collections include many technical and engineering standards from ASTM International, available on ASTM Compass and from IEEE, available on IEEE Xplore. Standards from many other organizations are not part of VCU Libraries’ collections. For these standards, access becomes more complicated.  VCU Libraries’ Interlibrary Loan system includes a form to request standards, but few […]

Faculty: Publish your OER books on new, free publishing platform 

VCU Libraries has launched the VCU Pressbooks platform for publishing open textbooks and other open educational resources. This initiative is part of a broader program of support for the use of open educational resources (OER).  Pressbooks is free to VCU instructors and makes it easy to create and edit materials and to collaborate with co-authors. […]

Repair and Stewardship: Collections Care Lab reports a banner year  

An unheralded but essential office within VCU Libraries is the Collections Care Lab, which performs the vital duty of saving damaged books that would otherwise be lost from the collection.  Recent upgrades in equipment have improved the lab’s performance and scope of work. Additions include: ductless fume hood; suction table; humidification chamber, eyewash station; flammables […]

New items in Special Collections and Archives represent diverse voices

This is a brief sample of recently acquired materials by Special Collections and Archives for two of its best- known collections. These items are representative of a focus on adding more diverse voices and themes to the research collection. They were added in the 2023-24 fiscal year.  Additions to the Book Arts Collection Special Collections […]

100 Years of Dentistry in Virginia now available online 

VCU Libraries has digitized the archive of Virginia Dental Association Journals in partnership with the Virginia Dental Association (VDA).  The VDA began publishing the Bulletin of the Virginia State Dental Association in August 1921. In June of 1964, the VDA changed the title of the serial to the Virginia Dental Journal.  Over the years, the […]

Commonwealth Council of the Girl Scouts of Virginia

James Branch Cabell Library is home to the records of the Girl Scouts Commonwealth Council of Virginia. The Commonwealth Council records include documents, photographs, textiles and artifacts that chronicle the evolution of Girl Scouting in the Greater Richmond, Virginia area. The Commonwealth Council of the Girl Scouts of Virginia — which includes materials from approximately 1913 through […]

Student Media Center honors Cabell Library staff as advocate

The Student Media Center awarded the staff of Cabell Library with a 2021 ITCHY award. The ITCHys are the annual Student Media Center awards that recognize the achievements of our students and their student media organizations which exemplify the SMC’s principles of Integrity, Tenacity, Creativity and Honesty.  The Student Media Center is the home to […]

New anti-racism guide helps you explore a critical topic

Find It VCU Libraries is committed to helping our communities identify, explore and understand the systemic racism that infuses all aspects of our lives, so that we can advance our work in confronting that racism.  This online guide provides a launching point for exploring the subject of anti-racism. This is an important, rapidly growing field, […]

New PubMed debuts May 18

Beginning May 18, 2020, the PubMed interface will look different. One of the most used resources of VCU Libraries, PubMed is the world’s premier biomedical and health sciences database, providing access to more than 30 million citations. This free resource is developed and maintained by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) and the National […]

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