Web Services

Application Services | Technology Services

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Last night, the storms that rumbled through Richmond affected the Harris Hall computer center.  The Harris SAN which was being used as the production data storage for the www.vcu.edu web server went down.  The Harris SAN came back on line around 8:30 am this morning.

Web Services staff pointed the web servers to a backup copy of the web server data and we ran
off of the backup data storage from around 9:30 pm (Tue) until 8:30 am (Wed).

The good news is that web sites were on line during that time.  The bad news is that if you published new data to your web site during those times, the data is now not there and it will need to be republished.

Note: This only affected web sites running on the www web server and did not affect cpanel, pubinfo or pubapps.

I appologize for any inconvenience that this may cause.

Categories Emergency