Web Services

Application Services | Technology Services

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After a wonder conversation with the folks at Mary Washington, we have defined an action item plan for implement WordPress at VCU.

We will be looking at the following items.

  1. Identifiy our reserve list of names (DNS and go are good places to start)
  2. Create a development site for WP
  3. Install Spam filtering
  4. Install a theme pack (but not too many)
  5. Have Creative Services develop a VCU theme or themes
  6. Contact UBC about converting MT to WP
  7. Contact Cathy Derecki to see how MW IT is implementing their version
  8. review Jim’s list of core plugins and install the ones we want
  9. Get a better URL, say wp.vcu.edu
  10. Develop a process for requesting and testing themes and plugins
Categories Applications, Wordpress