Category results for: Engineering

BCC Research: Global market intelligence

Find It Research global markets with current and in depth market intelligence. Reports include forecasts, statistical data, major players, market share and more. BCC Research covers 20 industries with a focus on science and technology: Advanced Materials Advanced Transportation Technologies Biotechnology Chemicals Energy and Resources Engineering Environment Food And Beverage Fuel Cell and Battery Technologies Healthcare Information Technology […]

Engineering Research Database: Technological advancement

Find It The Engineering Research Database connects users with 11 different engineering databases and some 100,000 new records each year. There are more than 3,500 periodicals, conference proceedings, technical reports, trade journals, patents, books and press releases that the information is taken from. These databases contain information on civil engineering, biotechnology and much more. It contains […]

Knovel Library: Engineering research resources

Find It Knovel Library provides users  with technical information in engineering and applied science. Information comes from books, conference proceedings, databases and other materials from more than 100 sources. Interactive tables and graphs display data in clear ways.  Users can download materials in a PDF or an Excel spreadsheet. Knovel also contains a feature called […]

Material ConneXion: Inspiration supplier

Find It Artists and designers browse Material ConneXion Database for ideas and inspiration. Engineers and innovators search this resource for new materials that meet unique performance needs. It also offers photographs of more than 7,000 advanced materials. Fifty to 60 juried, selected materials are added to the database each month. Selected materials are beautiful, functional, […]