STEM partnership provides 21 local high schools with free access to science video resource
After upgrading its subscription to JoVE, a science video resource, VCU Libraries had an opportunity to participate in JoVE’s College Ready STEM Partnership program, where select local area high schools are offered free access to JoVE Unlimited for as long as VCU Libraries continues to renew its subscription. Access was set up for 21 high schools. “We are excited to be able to share this STEM video resource with our local community,” says Karen Gau, Health Sciences Collection Librarian.
JoVE is a science video resource that includes a peer-reviewed scientific video journal as well as science education videos in biology, chemistry, engineering, and more. Its educational videos include demonstrations of scientific concepts and laboratory techniques.
“We hope our local high school teachers will find it useful for engaging their students in STEM and improving their students’ learning outcomes,” says Gau.