February 2024
The last year has been very busy as we progress our development of an inhaled powder surfactant formulation for the treatment of infants with Respiratory Distress Syndrome. Here is a recent VCU news article about this work. Our lab has a number of new members, including Dr. Felicia Hall and Dr. Caleb Dalton as Post […]
Summer 2022
We are continuing to work on a series of projects delivering aerosols to challenging patient populations including developing a powder lung surfactant product for administration as aerosol. The image shows a surfactant powder aerosol being delivered through a model of the rabbit upper tracheobronchial airways. This aerosol was dispersed with only 15 ml of air […]
Fall 2021
Congratulations to Serena Bonasera, Ph.D., its official. Google Scholar listed her dissertation. Despite a pandemic shutting down the lab, she successfully completed her research project and defended her dissertation recently. Serena has been an invaluable lab member of the last 4 years. Always enthusiastic to learn and become the best scientist possible. Thanks for all […]
2021 New Year Update
2020 was challenging for all the obvious reasons, but we were able to return to work in July after our mandatory work from home period. Everyone in the lab has faced challenges over the past year, educating children from home, not being able to travel home to visit family and just dealing with the pandemic. […]
Digital RDD 2020
Congratulations to Jeff Weers as the 2020 recipient of the Thiel Award #DigitalRDD2020. Well deserved ! I am very proud of our #VCUPharmacy and #VCUEngineering students and post docs who have prepared 17 poster presentations for this years virtual RDD meeting. I know these last months have been difficult for everyone but your hard work […]
Fall 2019 Update
Our group will be attending the 2019 AAPS Annual Meeting. Check out the following posters M0930-01-02 – Investigation of Pharmacokinetic Sensitivity to Regional Lung Deposition of Locally-Acting Orally Inhaled Drug Products – Mon, Nov -9:30 AM – 10:30 AM M0930-01-03 – Evaluating the Batch to Batch Reproducibility and Aerosol Performance of Spray Dried Albuterol Sulfate Formulations […]
Summer 2019 Update Part 2
We have also been busy updating the lab with over $300,000 spent on new equipment. The SMS DVS Adventure – an advanced water sorption analyzer with Raman probe to investigate the stability and hygroscopicity of our spray dried powders. The Proveris SprayView is an industry leading technology for the characterization of spray patterns for inhalers […]
Summer Update Part 1
Spring and Summer 2019 have been very busy and productive for the lab. We said good bye, good luck and thanks to Dr. Sneha Dhapare who was recruited to join the US FDA. In February and March, we welcomed two new Post Docs into the lab. Dr. Mohammad Momin joined from Dr. Shyamal Das’s lab […]
Alumni Visit
It was our great pleasure to host a visit by some of our alumni recently. Swati, Deepika, Bhawana and Renish joined the Aerosol Research Group for our Discussion Group meeting to re-live the memories of the weekly session where students and faculty discuss (or be interrogated) on their research. And it was great to have […]
Happy Birthday Part 2
I also have the best lab group, thank you to the Aerosol Research Group for joining me for the surprise chocolate ice cream birthday cake…..it was even better than carrot cake. Thank you for the cake and all that you do.