RDD Europe 2017
Dr. Hindle and Susan Boc will be attending RDD Europe in Nice, France, April 25-28. Susan has been selected to present her poster entitled “High-efficiency Delivery Of Aerosols Via An Infant Nasal Cannula” as a “Poster on the Podium” oral presentation. Co-authors on this publication are Dr Worth Longest, Ben Spence and Karl Bass from the […]
VCU Aerosol Research Group Collaborations with US FDA
Check out the latest report from the US FDA describing our research activities advancing regulatory science https://www.fda.gov/ForIndustry/UserFees/GenericDrugUserFees/ucm549167.htm
$2.4 million R01 grant renewal awarded pharmacy-engineering research team
VCU School of Pharmacy professor Mike Hindle and VCU School of Engineering professor Worth Longest are co-PIs on a $2.4 million R01 grant renewal that will take their novel high-efficiency aerosol delivery technology out of the lab and on to human testing. Thanks to all past and present graduate students and post-docs from Pharmacy and […]