Summer 2022

We are continuing to work on a series of projects delivering aerosols to challenging patient populations including developing a powder lung surfactant product for administration as aerosol. The image shows a surfactant powder aerosol being delivered through a model of the rabbit upper tracheobronchial airways. This aerosol was dispersed with only 15 ml of air at a flow rate of 6L/min using our novel air-jet dry powder inhaler technology.
Our intellectual property portfolio continues to expand with a patent granted for our nebulizer mixer heater technology that improves the efficiency of conventional nebulizers by reducing the aerosol droplet size. Congratulations to our co-inventors: Worth Longest, Michael Hindle, Ben Spence, Sneha Dhapare, Xiangyin Wei.
Patent title: Combination devices, systems, and methods for humidification of the airways and high efficiency delivery of pharmaceutical aerosols

The RDD 2022 meeting in Spring was a great success, with our group contributing to 8 poster and 2 podium presentations and the first time we had all gathered as a group since the beginning of the pandemic.

Esmaeili AR, Hosseini, Wilkins J, Alfaifi A, Dhapare S, Walenga R, Newman B, Schuman T, Longest PW, Hindle M, Golshahi L: “In Vitro Evaluation of Regional Drug Deposition in Nasal Airways of Children Using Realistic Anatomical Replicas”
Farkas DR, Bonasera, Thomas ML, Hassan A, Hindle M, Longest PW: “In Vitro Evaluation of Dry Powder Aerosol Delivery Efficiency to the Lungs of Preterm Infants Using Two Administration Approaches”
Farkas DR, Hindle M, Longest PW: “In Vitro Performance of a Pediatric Air-Jet DPI Delivering a Spray-Dried Antibiotic Formulation”
Momin MAM, Farkas DR, Longest PW, Hindle M: “Long-term Storage Stability of an Excipient Enhanced Growth (EEG) Pulmonary Surfactant Powder Formulation”
Momin MAM, Howe C, Longest PW, Hindle M: “Surfactant Powder Delivery from Infant Air-Jet Dry Powder Inhaler (DPI): Effect of Flow Rate and DPI Design”
Xu Q, Hassan A, Meng T, Pangeni R, Rubin BK, Longest PW, Hindle: ”Dry Powder Aerosol Containing Muco-Inert Particles for Pulmonary Drug Delivery”
Pangeni R, Hassan A, Loch K, Sudarjat H, Meng T, Momin MAM, Longest PW, Hindle M, Xu Q: “Liposomal Dry Powder Aerosol Formulation of Ciprofloxacin: Effect of Sucrose and Mannitol on Aerosol Performance”
Bonasera S, Farkas DR, Hassan A, Longest PW, Hindle M: “Optimization and Characterization of a Tobramycin Excipient Enhanced Growth Spray-Dried Powder Formulation”