2021 New Year Update
2020 was challenging for all the obvious reasons, but we were able to return to work in July after our mandatory work from home period.
Everyone in the lab has faced challenges over the past year, educating children from home, not being able to travel home to visit family and just dealing with the pandemic. Our annual lab celebration took place with pizza on a bench outside the Smith Building while we socially distanced. And I taught in empty classrooms.
But we have persisted and I am forever grateful for everyone’s support, enthusiasm and hard work in the last 12 months. Thank you, Amr, Mohammad, Serena, Nicole, Kelsey and Timothy, together with Dr. Longest’s team in Engineering and all our collaborators in the Golshahi, Xu and Heise labs.
Our projects continue to expand working on a new FDA contract with Drs. Golshahi and Longest together with an investment from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
As we expand our research, we also continue to update our equipment, we now have a state of the art rheometer to characterize powder flow, the FT4 from Freeman Technologies. Last week, we installed our new powder x-ray diffractometer, the Rigaku Miniflex 600.
Our publications continue to cover the scope of our research on powder formulation, device development, computational modeling and regulatory research.
In vitro evaluation of regional nasal drug delivery using multiple anatomical nasal replicas of adult human subjects and two nasal sprays.
Manniello MD, Hosseini S, Alfaifi A, Esmaeili AR, Kolanjiyil AV, Walenga R, Babiskin A, Sandell D, Mohammadi R, Schuman T, Hindle M, Golshahi L.
Int J Pharm. 2021 Jan 25;593:120103. doi: 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2020.120103. Epub 2020 Nov 23.
Characterization of excipient enhanced growth (EEG) tobramycin dry powder aerosol formulations.
Hassan A, Farkas D, Longest W, Hindle M.
Int J Pharm. 2020 Dec 15;591:120027. doi: 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2020.120027. Epub 2020 Oct 31.
CFD Guided Optimization of Nose-to-Lung Aerosol Delivery in Adults: Effects of Inhalation Waveforms and Synchronized Aerosol Delivery.
Dutta R, Spence B, Wei X, Dhapare S, Hindle M, Longest PW.
Pharm Res. 2020 Sep 24;37(10):199. doi: 10.1007/s11095-020-02923-8.
Advancement of a Positive-Pressure Dry Powder Inhaler for Children: Use of a Vertical Aerosolization Chamber and Three-Dimensional Rod Array Interface.
Farkas D, Bonasera S, Bass K, Hindle M, Longest PW.
Pharm Res. 2020 Aug 30;37(9):177. doi: 10.1007/s11095-020-02889-7.
Initial Development of an Air-Jet Dry Powder Inhaler for Rapid Delivery of Pharmaceutical Aerosols to Infants.
Howe C, Hindle M, Bonasera S, Rani V, Longest PW.
J Aerosol Med Pulm Drug Deliv. 2021 Feb;34(1):57-70. doi: 10.1089/jamp.2020.1604. Epub 2020 Aug 4.
Dry powder aerosol containing muco-inert particles for excipient enhanced growth pulmonary drug delivery.
Chai G, Hassan A, Meng T, Lou L, Ma J, Simmers R, Zhou L, Rubin BK, Zhou QT, Longest PW, Hindle M, Xu Q.
Nanomedicine. 2020 Oct;29:102262. doi: 10.1016/j.nano.2020.102262. Epub 2020 Jul 3.
Excipient Enhanced Growth Aerosol Surfactant Replacement Therapy in an In Vivo Rat Lung Injury Model.
Kamga Gninzeko FJ, Valentine MS, Tho CK, Chindal SR, Boc S, Dhapare S, Momin MAM, Hassan A, Hindle M, Farkas DR, Longest PW, Heise RL.
J Aerosol Med Pulm Drug Deliv. 2020 Dec;33(6):314-322. doi: 10.1089/jamp.2020.1593. Epub 2020 May 21.
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Simulations of Spray Drying: Linking Drying Parameters with Experimental Aerosolization Performance.
Longest PW, Farkas D, Hassan A, Hindle M.
Pharm Res. 2020 May 21;37(6):101. doi: 10.1007/s11095-020-02806-y.