Summer 2019 Update Part 2
We have also been busy updating the lab with over $300,000 spent on new equipment.
The SMS DVS Adventure – an advanced water sorption analyzer with Raman probe to investigate the stability and hygroscopicity of our spray dried powders.
The Proveris SprayView is an industry leading technology for the characterization of spray patterns for inhalers and nasal sprays.
We are grateful for the financial support of our emeritus professor, Dr. Peter Byron, and Dr. Doug Sweet, Chair, Department of Pharmaceutics, as we continue our efforts to maintain a state of the art aerosol science laboratory. We look forward to welcoming alumni and visitors to check out our newest acquisitions and tour the labs.
We are continuing to move towards our first clinical studies with our EEG aerosol delivery technology with our safety and tolerability study planned for the Fall. And working with Dr. Rebecca Heise, we have promising data showing our aerosolized EEG dry powder surfactant formulation is more effective than the instilled liquid form. We will be presenting this work at upcoming conferences.
We also recently were granted two patents for our EEG technologies, for both non-invasive ventilation delivery and dry powder inhaler delivery.
Longest PW, Hindle M: “Systems, devices, and methods for changing therapeutic aerosol size and improving efficiency of ventilation and aerosol drug delivery”, US Patent # 10,010692.
Longest PW, Hindle M, Son Y-J, Behara SRB, Farkas D, “Dry powder inhaler (DPI) designs for producing aerosols with high fine particle fractions”. US Patent # 10,105500.
Finally, for the summer, thanks to Mukul, Amr and Serena, for organizing a lab cookout at Echo Lake Park, the food was good and the weather hot. And the 3G signal was even sufficient to watch England win the Cricket World Cup !