SOP Research Day and Congratulations
Our research group presented three posters at VCU School of Pharmacy Research Day on Oct 31st. Dr Hindle was busy evaluating all the posters as one of the “best poster” judges.
The posters were entitled:
Assessing the regional nasal deposition of Nasonex® using two realistic airway models, Mandana Azimi, Michael Hindle, P.Worth Longest
Characterization of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine spray-dried powders for inhalation,
Susan Boc and Michael Hindle
Spray dried lung surfactant excipient enhanced growth (EEG) aerosol formulations,
Anubhav Kaviratna, Michael Hindle, P. Worth Longest
And now for the good news……
It was announced that Susan Boc was the 2015 Jyontsna and Mavji Thakker Award winner.
This award was established by Dr. Kamlesh Thakker in 1999 in memory of his late parents to be used in recognition of graduate students in the Department of Pharmaceutics to assist with educational needs. Thank you Dr Thakker for your support and congratulations Susan !!