Navigating RAMS-IRB to Communicate with IRB Staff and Reviewers
This RAMS Gif Guide is intended for researchers and research teams using the RAMS-IRB system to manage IRB submissions. This guide will walk users through the best ways to communicate with IRB staff and reviewers within RAMS-IRB, during a review. You can access more RAMS Gif Guides made for researchers by using the researcher gif guide […]
Navigating RAMS-IRB to Save a Backup of the RAMS-IRB SmartForm/Protocol
This RAMS Gif Guide is intended for researchers and research teams using the RAMS-IRB system to manage IRB submissions. This guide will walk users through the process of saving a PDF version of the RAMS-IRB SmartForm/Protocol. Investigators and study teams are encouraged to regularly download a copy of the RAMS-IRB SmartForm/Protocol for each of their […]
Gif Guide: Navigating CITI Program to Add Required Human Subjects Protection Training Courses
This Gif Guide is intended for investigators and research personnel who are required to maintain active training certification in the Collaborative IRB Training Initiative Program, or CITI Program. It will walk users though the steps needed to add an institutional affiliation, add the appropriate courses to a user’s account, and to check course completions and […]
Navigating RAMS-IRB to Create and Submit Closure Requests
This RAMS Gif Guide is intended for researchers and research teams using the RAMS-IRB system to manage IRB submissions. This guide will walk users through the process of creating a closure request in order to close a study with the IRB. You can access more RAMS Gif Guides made for researchers by using the researcher […]
Navigating RAMS-IRB to Create an Amendment to a Study
This RAMS Gif Guide is intended for researchers and research teams using the RAMS-IRB system to manage IRB submissions. This guide will walk users through the process of creating an amendment to a currently-approved study. You can access more RAMS Gif Guides made for researchers by using the researcher gif guide tag on our blog. […]
Navigating RAMS-IRB to Make Changes Requested by the IRB
This RAMS Gif Guide is intended for researchers and research teams using the RAMS-IRB system to manage IRB submissions. This guide will walk users through processes required to make changes to a submission that are requested by the IRB, including viewing and responding to reviewer notes, communicating with reviewers/IRB staff, and submitting required changes. You […]
Navigating RAMS-IRB to Create and Navigate Through New Studies
This RAMS Gif Guide is intended for researchers and research teams using the RAMS-IRB system to manage IRB submissions. This guide will walk users through the process of creating a new study, various methods for navigating through a study, and how to submit a study to the IRB for review. You can access more RAMS […]
Navigating RAMS-IRB to Add, Remove, and Update Documents
This RAMS Gif Guide is intended for researchers and research teams using the RAMS-IRB system to manage IRB submissions. This guide will walk users through the steps in RAMS-IRB necessary to manage documents, including adding, removing, and updating documents. At the end of this post are general document management tips. You can access more RAMS […]
Navigating RAMS-IRB to Locate My Studies
This RAMS Gif Guide is intended for researchers and research teams using the RAMS-IRB system to manage IRB submissions. This guide will walk users through different methods of locating the user’s own studies in various states within RAMS-IRB. Please note that only studies for which you are listed as a PI and/or an “Editor” will […]