Take advantage of these two upcoming faculty professional development opportunities offered through through Adobe: Enjoy the series above for engaging, successful and interactive classroom exercises and lesson plans shared by four faculty at different institutions. If you don’t have an Adobe license, use the VCU Adobe License Request Form to request access to: Acrobat Pro, […]
Group Work and Group Assignment Resources
There are a lot of good reasons to use group work or group assignments in your courses. However, there are a number of issues common to group work that can be anticipated. Below are some good resources to help create successful student working groups. The first resource is a page from the Eberly Center at […]
Jonathan Hey has created a brilliant site called where he explains the world one sketch at a time. His sketches are one-page explanations of concepts, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License. That means you are free to use images such as: Confirmation Bias, The Swiss Cheese Model, and The Learning […]
Using VoiceThread for a Group Presentation
VoiceThread is a lot of fun for students. It is a great tool to build community when you have students introduce themselves using video at the beginning of the semester. It is also fun to use VoiceThread in lieu of the standard written discussion board. One technique that you may not have considered is the […]
From Sketch to Video: Whiteboard Animations Bring Concepts to Life
In April, Dr. Lana Sargent and other educators from Medicine, Pharmacy and Nursing presented a de-prescribing workshop at the Virginia Geriatric Society Conference as part of a $10,000 grant award from the Geriatric Training and Education Initiative (GTE). Dr. Sargent approached SON IT with a rough sketch of an animation that she hoped to incorporate […]
Add Interactive Quizzing to Kaltura Lectures
Kaltura includes an easy to use wizard for creating an unlimited number of questions that you can embed at chosen points in your lecture. The multiple choice format allows for 2, 3, or 4 answers and flexible settings give you the ability to choose if learners can skip questions, revise answers, get hints and/or discover […]
Operation Outbreak: The Case of the Sick Swimmers
Faculty teaching Nursing 309, Population Health, wanted to give students an opportunity to participate in the investigation of a public health crisis. To make this a more immersive experience, SON IT staff converted a paper-based epidemiology case study to an online format that begins with a pre-assessment. As the case unfolds, students are presented with […]
Nursing of Children Students Participate in an Interactive Case Study
Last semester, students in NURS 345 were introduced to “Rodney,” a four-year-old male who was referred to the ER by his pediatrician. Dr. Shockey engaged students in a discussion of the unfolding case, which was projected in the classroom and included audio and visuals for added realism. Because the case was […]
Using Video in your Course
At Friday’s Teaching Academy session, we had a lively discussion on using video in your course. There are a few VCU resources that may be of tremendous help to you as you are planning to add video content. They are: VCU Kanopy Streaming – a resource from VCU Libraries which gives you access to thousands of […]
Active Learning with Dr. Richard Felder
I happened to come across Dr. Richard Felder’s Random Thoughts columns and thought that I had stumbled onto a gold mine of powerful insights related to teaching and learning. Dr. Felder is the Hoechst Celanese Professor Emeritus of Chemical Engineering at North Carolina State University and the author of of over 150 education-related papers. This YouTube […]